Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sebastian's 11th Birthday!

Hey it's me Seb. I had the best birthday party ever! Guess what I got. Three Wal-Mart giftcards, one Gamecrazy giftcard, and a Blockbuster giftcard. So that made about eighty dollars put together. In a couple of pictures you can see that I am wet That is because we had a water baloon toss, and then a water baloon fight.

Christian's 10th Birthday!

Hi this is Chris!I had a awesome birthday.Do you want to know what I got.I got Ben10 stuff,Jazz,and a hummer.I haven't built my hummer yet.These are the kids that came to my birthday party: Brennan, Michael, Brenna, Sofia, Robert and my brother and sister.

Sheis 8th Birthday!

Hi this is Shei. And I terned eight.And maby now I can get baptized. And it was a grate birthday that day. This is what I got. I got a babycrib and ,I got sum polly pockets to and lots more presents. And heres the pepl that came to my birthday party SueAnn and Brenna and
Rily and Sofya and her little sister Gaby and my bruthers wer ther to The end.

Sheilynn off to her Daddy's for Christmas!

So we just got off the phone with Dan and Heather and Shei is going to Utah for Christmas. I'm jealous she is going to be able to spend some time in the snow this year. We sure don't see much down here in the desert valley. I am thankful I don't have to deal with it on a daily basis though. Here are some pics when she left for the summer.

Seb at the Zoo!

Sebastian's favorite animal has always been the giraffes. When he was in Kindergarten he went to the World Wildlife Zoo also here in Phx and fell in love with the giraffes. So he spent alot of time near the safari exhibit. Sebastian is getting so incredibly big and is definitely not a little boy anymore.

Chris at the Zoo!

Chris had a great time at the zoo. He absolutely loves animals. He loves turtles and tortoises. He was able to stand at the lake in the center of the zoo and hand feed the little turtles pringles we had with us. Sort of like feeding the ducks, but feeding the turtles instead. He was able to pet the turtle and feel his shell.

Sheilynn at the Zoo!

A couple weeks ago we went to the Phoenix Zoo for the first time as a family. The boys and I had never been but Sheilynn went on a field trip once. We also invited and included one of Sheis best friends; her name is Brenna. She lives directly across the street from us and spends more time at our house than her own I think. We recently went to Build a Bear workshop and Shei also insisted on bringing her new baby Kitty Bear with us to the zoo as well. So, here's a pic of Shei, Brenna and Kitty Bear, and a second picture of my Little Pearl Shei.